Come raise your voice with us. The Adult Choir sings regularly for the Sunday morning 10:30 am Mass and is open to adults and high school students. New singers are always welcome. Rehearsals are on Thursday nights from 7:30-9:00 pm with a warm-up practice at 9:45 am before Mass on Sunday mornings.
Holy Family Council of Catholic Women
We are setting out to gather the women of the Holy Family Catholic Church to promote strength, love, and friendship, share morals and values, and encourage members to come together to fortify the parish and community. All women of the parish are invited to come to join us! Meetings are the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. President: Judy Mellott
Knights of Columbus
This organization are called to build a community of brothers and sisters who welcome, love, and care for one another. Here you can help foster unity for the whole human family. Join us to help the poor and suffering as we foster of faith, charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. We seek to stress the importance of civil responsibility in standing up to growing threats to marriage and the family. We can work to defend religious liberty and give our children a better world. Grand Knight: Michael McMahon
Ushers are called upon to welcome those who come to the church. We ask them to express sincere love for their fellow humans, driven to help those they serve to feel welcome in the Sunday Eucharist. We should help them feel at home, wanted, welcome. It is an important role, creating an atmosphere of hospitality and friendliness among the members of the assembly.
Ushers also help in the other ministries ministries making up the liturgy of Mass in any way they can to assure that the liturgical experience is pleasant and meaningful to all that attend the service.
Lord in your love you gather your people into your
church. As you gather them this day, help me to serve them
in a Christ like manner, even as your Son served those who gathered
about him. Make me prayerful and patient, helpful and
understanding, and may I radiate the joy that faith brings as I serve
their needs. Give me your strength to support my fellow ministers
May all who assemble to celebrate our common faith in the risen
Savior be glad if heart for being here and for having encountered
your Son. In one another, in our priest, at the tables of the Book and
Bread and through the ministry of ushers like me. I ask this is Jesus’ name. Amen
Homebound Ministry
Compelled by Jesus’ mandate, and filled with the Holy Spirit, Holy Family Home Ministry administers the Body of Jesus Christ to residents confined to nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, assisted living facilities, and parishioners confined to their homes. Contact: Nelda Troyer
Altar Society
The Altar Society is one of the most important volunteer roles in the church. We are reminded that we are participating in the sacred liturgy by ensuring that the sacred spaces are clean and reverently prepared for the liturgical celebration. We are facilitating an encounter between God and his people. President: Karen Fawbush
Spending quiet time before the Blessed Sacrament in order to grow in the love of Christ and to recognize, more deeply with the eyes of faith, His sacramental presence in the Eucharistic Host. Contact: Kathryn
Funeral Luncheon Committee
The purpose of this committee is to assist members after the loss of a loved one. The ladies provide a luncheon for the families, after the services. Help is needed to provide food for the lunch, set up of tables, and clean up. This committee does not require much time but is greatly appreciated by the families. Contact: Madeleine Birch
Welcoming Committee
We are here to make our parishioners, both new and present, to feel at home, at ease with one another, wanted and welcomed. This provides a stronger participation in the Mass. Our goal is to help you find that. We will also be holding events to promote fellowship. Contact: Mary Ann Atkin
Coffee Service
This ministry is the perfect way to enjoy the fellowship of our parishioners in the Gathering Space. This ministry only needs about an hour of your time every other month to set up, serve coffee, punch and cookies, and clean up. Contact Barbara Larsen
Prayer Chain
Prayers for family members, friends, etc., may be requested through our prayer chain. There are approximately thirty members that will respond to your request when it is received by the main contact. Contact: Patti Hambleton
Bereavement Ministry
When someone we love dies, we can find ourselves dealing with changes, transitions, and a host of emotions. The bereavement support group is a way to find faith-based support. By walking with others, we can help each other find acceptance and peace. Contact: Brian Pinto
Youth Group
You are not the only teenage kid who wants to make the Faith more personal and life more meaningful. Through laidback, guided discussions, we learn about the depth of the Catholic faith. We also learn how to defend it amid so many attacks and our own confusion. There are no lesson plans, and all questions are welcome. There is no judgment, and we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Small group time is a part so don’t have to always speak to the whole group. We also do different fun stuff at least once a month. Come join us Tuesday Nights at 7 pm in Federal Hall in the Education Building! Contact: Kersten Dowling
Young Adults
The Young Adult Group meets weekly. We discuss the next Sunday’s Gospel reading, although that can be a starting point to an entirely different conversation. There is often a bit more of an intellectual bent, but discussions are casual and free flowing. Afterwards, we go for dinner. Sometimes we go to a restaurant, and other times we cook together in the Social Hall if it is available. It is, however, always an enjoyable time! Come join us! Contact: Catherine Weatherly
Luke TwoFourty
We are a group of families creating a Catholic environment in which to raise our children. We seek to bring to life and daily living the rich heritage and teachings of the Catholic faith. We want our children to experience the traditions and customs of the Church. We want our children to live life with intention, knowing they are loved y Jesus Christ, and are meant to be with Him forever in Heaven. Finally, we are a community that fosters Christian friendships, both for ourselves and for our children. We support each other with the practical struggles of daily life and learn from one another ways and techniques to be spouses and parents. Luke TwoForty brings together families for fun, fellowship, and informal faith building. We welcome all families, including single parents, grandparents, and guardians. Contact: Kelsy Bird
The Troop of Saint George
The Troops of Saint George is a ministry throughout North America for boys that aims to use the outdoors as a canvas and the Sacraments as a path to light the way for their formation. Fathers, guardians, and other fatherly figures are strongly encouraged to join their sons in this life of adventure. Whether called to the vocation of the priesthood, the religious life, or that of the holy fatherhood, our fathers and sons will take a prayerful pilgrimage together to fulfill Christ’s desire for them to grow in virtue and in their Holy Catholic faith as they journey toward heaven.
We meet once a month at the parish, and offer occasional camping trips and other fun adventures, including Weber State football games. Contact: Cooper Remkes